Have your expectations for what your mobile CRM provides grown dramatically? We hope so. You’re right to expect more than a downsized version of the “classic” desktop experience fits on your phone. AS CRM users continue to execute more of their daily (and nightly) tasks on their phones and tablets, the mobile experience has become about providing access to the information you absolutely need, right when you need it in real-time.
With that in mind, we recently enhanced Sugar Mobile with several new features:
A Redefined User Experience – The new version introduces a redesigned user experience based on customer feedback, with improved navigation and re-ordered tabs and elements. We reduced the number of clicks needed to reach critical CRM data.
Support for Apple Touch ID – Sugar Mobile 5.0 also now supports Apple Touch ID. Touch ID is one of the most secure ways to authenticate users within iOS apps, making the login experience more convenient and user-friendly.
Enterprise Mobile Management (EMM) – Enterprises now have a better, more secure way to distribute and manage the SugarCRM mobile app with EMM support. By using “app wrapping”, Sugar administrators can control who gets access to the SugarCRM Mobile app and when. Sugar Mobile 5.0 also includes the AppConfig standard, which makes it easier for administrators to manage the app using Enterprise Mobile Management (EMM) solutions.
Deep Linking – Deep Linking allows links to be created that push a user directly into a record or page in SugarCRM Mobile. Deep links mean the user can click on a link and it will launch the SugarCRM Mobile app. Deep linking can be used to perform many tasks, including viewing, creating, and editing records.
Sugar Mobile is available for all Sugar Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate customers. It features “offline storage mode” so users can be productive even when they aren’t connected to Wi-Fi. All existing installations of SugarCRM Mobile will be upgraded to Sugar Mobile 5.0 through the phone or tablet’s native upgrade functionality. Alternatively, upgrades can be performed by searching for “SugarCRM Mobile” in the application stores of your device or using the following links:
For all your SugarCRM needs contact InnoventCRM today on 02 9279 2333 or info@innoventcrm.com.au