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SugarCRM sweetens Sugar 7.6 with a BPM twist

innovent - May 5, 2015 - 0 comments

Following a string of acquisition and partnership announcements over the past few weeks, SugarCRM on Tuesday rolled out a new version of its flagship customer relationship management software that adds business process management capabilities along with several key mobility and usability enhancements.

Focusing on BPM, Sugar 7.6 includes features such as a visual designer and enhanced time-based alerts, escalations and approval workflows. Also included are support for parallel and complex workflows and a new Business Rules Builder that lets nonexpert business users create complex workflow rules without having to write code.

To learn more about how SugarCRM 7.6 can help you focus on customer relationships and business process automation, contact InnoventCRM today on 1300 781 681 or

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