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IT should listen to users not just managers, says SugarCRM CEO

innovent - December 18, 2014 - 0 comments

Deliver the software users want and need (not just what management thinks is required), look for deployment flexibility, and beware of API charges. They are the messages from SugarCRM CEO Larry Augustin.
The proliferation of BYOA – bring your own applications – is putting pressure on IT departments to provide better tools, and to regard users as “constituents” rather than simply listening to management.

Organisations can buy SugarCRM as an on-demand SaaS product from SugarCRM, as SaaS from a local (ie, onshore) hosting provider, or as conventional software for on-premises or use.

For all your SugarCRM consulting needs, contact Innovent today on 1300 781 681

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