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How to Help Your Software Development Team Find Their Higher Purpose

Joel Magin - November 15, 2018 - 0 comments

A higher purpose is not about economic exchanges. It reflects something more aspirational. It explains how the people involved with a business are making a difference, gives them a sense of meaning, and draws their support. If your technology people is not very engaged in your business then the chances are getting tired of business as usual with it’s old tired behaviours. This is a BIG problem because of how technology is likely to shape your business over the next 5-10 years. Your technology people need to be bringing their smarts and creativity to their jobs everyday otherwise they won’t performing up to their potential. You know that you need a more committed workforce but how do you to get one? Almost every business has a pool of change agents that usually goes untapped so ‘untap’ it. Often there is a need to change the culture in the business so your leaders need to dedicate themselves to supporting that purpose and weave it into on-boarding and training programs, workshops, meetings, and culture-building activities. As people judge the purpose to be authentic, a transformation often begins to take place.

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